Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Obedience to our Husbands and Proverb 31:12-14

I have thought many times that I was respecting or helping my husband when really I was just judging, acting for him and trying to control the situation.  How many times do we as wives feel this way?  For me it took 7 years and many discussions to see why my way was not the right way.  I thought, "God you can control these things in my life, but as far as my marriage I have got it."  Boy was I wrong, I can only picture God up there nodding his head in dismay as I failed again.

Life asks us to remember God despite the trials we shall face, and because of the trials we will face we need that rock to lean on. 

"Opportunities to make our husband a priority present themselves everyday. Here’s some practical ways I practice this in my own life:
1. When I am going to the store, I ask him if there’s anything he needs while I am there.
2. When I make the grocery list I consider what his favorites are (not just the children’s)and be sure to make them.
3. When I bake a dessert or dish to take to a gathering with only women, he gets the first serving. So if you see a hole cut out of a cake I bring – you’ll know why!
4. At gatherings, I always get his drink for him. At home I offer him drinks regularly too. It’s a guesture I enjoy extending to him to show my love.
5. I respect his thoughts and opinions above anyone else’s.
In Proverbs 31, the husband praises his wife. Does your husband praise you? Could it be that he does not because he doesn’t feel like he is your first priority?
God created us to be one flesh with our husbands (Matt. 19:5). Our relationship should be a priority above all others! We should question ourselves – do we seek praise more from our friends and co-workers or from our husband? Your husband’s opinion should matter most – don’t give your husband your leftovers – give him the best of you! And consider delivering him a drink with a kiss tonight!"  ~From Courtney http://www.roomag.com/how-to-keep-your-husband-your-first-priority/

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